Web Designer
- For a web Technology Company "Web Designer"
- Excellent using Photoshop (Last Version)
- Flash
- Basic PHP
- Java Script
- JQuery
- Using CMS or VBulletin Forums
- Using Smarty System
- Male Only
- Experience 2-3 years
- Please mention the job title in the subject
- Send C.V. to : shahinaz.ibrahim@dimofinf.net.sa
- For a web Technology Company "Web Designer"
- Excellent using Photoshop (Last Version)
- Flash
- Basic PHP
- Java Script
- JQuery
- Using CMS or VBulletin Forums
- Using Smarty System
- Male Only
- Experience 2-3 years
- Please mention the job title in the subject
- Send C.V. to : shahinaz.ibrahim@dimofinf.net.sa