Nov 12, 2011

Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I would like to express my interest in a position in the (.............)sector.
As I am a recent graduate with writing, editing, and administrative experience, I believe I am a strong candidate for a position at the (...................) Company. 
( هنا قول أشتغلت فين بأختصار نبذة هاا مش موضوع تعبير)

You specify that you are looking for someone with strong writing skills. As an English major, a writing tutor, and an editorial intern for both a government magazine and a college marketing office, I have become a skilled writer with a variety of experience. 
( أنت طلبت حد عنده ------ وأنا مؤهلاتى ----- علشان كده أناأنفع )

My maturity, practical experience, and eagerness to enter the publishing business will make me an excellent editorial assistant. I would love to begin my career with your company, and am confident that I would be a beneficial addition to the (..................)Company. 

I have enclosed my resume, and will call within the next week to see if we might arrange a time to speak together. 
( حط ال CV بتاعتك على هيئة Ms Word أو pdf بس وأى شهادة خبرة أى حاجه تفيدك
وتنفع -- أخدت كورسات -- تانى أى حاجه تبديك عن غيرك )

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Jane Jones

( أسمك وتليفونك وعنوانك والايميل بتاعك )